Yes, it's that time of year again. No, not Thanksgiving (in the U.S.), nor Christmas but rather Winter beer time! This is one of my favorite times in the seasonal beer calendar. Winter Warmers and other winter ales, winter lagers, Christmas beers, beers with spice, oh, the wonderful flavors.
Some of my early seasonal favorites are Breckenridge Christmas Ale from Colorado, Full Sail Brewing's Wassail from Oregon, Anchor Brewing's Christmas Ale from California (always a favorite), Boulevard's Nut Cracker Ale from Missouri, and probably tops right now in my book is Brooklyn Brewery's Winter Ale from New York.
Now, if I haven't stated it before here, I'm not a big fan of high alcohol beers. To the contrary, I love the taste of good beer and therefore, much prefer lower alcohol, flavorful beers to higher gravity ones. Brewers in the UK have long understood this and, thankfully, continue to produce incredibly flavorful cask-conditioned ales (as well as bottled ones). However, this time of year, I do make an exception. Of these this year, I'd currently put Great Divide's Hibernation Ale from Colorado as my favorite. I think they have really nailed the English Old Ale style. I do need to pick up some of Avery's Old Jubilation, also from Colorado, as in years past I've really enjoyed it as well.
As we enter December, perhaps I'll run across more to sample and find some additional favorites.
Yours Aye!