This is my first foray into blogging, having ran my own website,, since 2004, as well as dabbling with MySpace and Facebook. I have to admit, I've taken my inspiration from Tom Morton, BBC Radio Scotland broadcaster, whisky writer and musician, of whom I am a huge fan. For some reason I just feel the need for a place to happily blog away on things that really interest me and hopefully share with others.
Why on earth the name "Leaky Spicket", you ask? Well, this is the name brilliantly coined by my lovely wife, Valarie, for my home brewery and in-house "pub". The name comes honestly - I've had endless struggles with leaking valves, tubing and pumps with my homebrew setup.
This is my passion - brewing and beer - Scottish in particular. Actually, I'm obsessed with most things Scottish although I have no Scottish heritage that I know of. I have simply come to love the country, its people, its landscape and its history.
So, what will one find here in the coming months/years? Anything to do with Scotland of interest to me, for sure. Mostly my blogs will focus on beer related topics whether to do with Scottish beer or my own home brewing escapades. I'm also a huge rugby fan focused on the Magners League in the UK supporting Glasgow Warriors but also internationally supporting, of course, Scotland. At the risk of upsetting any number of Glasgwegian readers, I'm also a big fan of the Scottish Premier League and avid Glasgow Celtic supporter. Why Celtic? Well, primarily due to my friends and colleagues in Scotland but I've really come to love the team. It must be said, however, that I watch any SPL matches that Setanta Sports plays on DirecTV in the U.S. and I honestly do not wish any SPL team any ill will. Finally, you'll likely find quite a bit of interjections related to music as music has been a passion of mine far longer than brewing or sport. I've played piano since I was about 8 years old and guitar since my early teens. At the present, I'm really into Scottish traditional music as well as many Scottish rock/pop bands. So, you can likely expect some comments on music as well.
In general though, much like my personality, expect to see anything and everything here.
In case you haven't figured it out yet, I don't live in Scotland. I live in Austin, Texas, born in Indiana and have lived in the States all my life. I have, however, had the great privilege to travel quite a bit through my day job as an engineer seeing many parts of the world. This is how I came to be obsessed with Scotland. Please don't misinterpret my blog subtitle, I love Austin, Texas. There's nowhere in the States I'd rather live but if I had my choice at this point in my life, I wish I lived in Glasgow instead, call me crazy...
For now, A' Best!
Yours Aye!
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