Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Beer Blogging - A New Year's Resolution

OK, New Year's Resolution: turn this into a proper beer blog. Inspiration: I've only recently started regularly reading two great and, I think, very important beer blogs which I've added to my Links section at the right. This got me to thinking, I started this blog primarily to talk about my love of and all things beer with an obligatory slant toward Scottish beer and also the great art of homebrewing. Well, although there have been some good posts which I've received positive feedback on, I wouldn't say it has reached beer blog status. So, 2010, much more emphasis on talking about all things beery.

By the way, the beer blogs I'm referring to are Martyn Cornell's "Zythophile" and Ron Pattinson's "Shut Up About Barclay Perkins". For those of you who don't know, Martyn is without doubt, at least in my humble opinion, the best historical beer writer in the world right now and in like manner, Ron is one of the most knowledgeable brewing historians in the UK at present. How Ron finds the time to not only dig through but post so much incredible information on classic historic British breweries is beyond me but my sincere thanks goes out to him for doing so!

Yours Aye!

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